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contoh kalimat help but

"help but" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You can't help but actually ripping that spider web apart.
    Anda akan menyobek jaring laba-laba itu.
  • I'd love to help, but I can't do the impossible.
    Aku ingin membantumu, tapi itu mustahil.
  • Couldn't help but overhearing about that land.
    Tidak bisa membantu tetapi sengaja mendengar tentang tanah itu.
  • We want to help, but your medicine is missing.
    Kami ingin membantu, tetapi obat Anda hilang.
  • I appreciate the help, but I'm done here.
    Aku hargai bantuannya, tapi aku sudah selesai disini.
  • I do need help, but I need a laborer,
    Aku butuh bantuan, tapi aku butuh buruh,
  • I couldn't help but notice that you work here.
    Aku tak tahu kalau kau bekerja disini.
  • Now, I want to help. But I can't.
    Sekarang, aku ingin menolong tapi aku tidak bisa.
  • She tried to get help but she went too late.
    Dia berusaha mencari pertolongan tapi terlambat.
  • You've been a great help, but I give up.
    Kau sudah sangat menolong, tapi aku menyerah.
  • Couldn't help but noticed you don't have a husband yet.
    Aku tidak tahu harus mengatakan apa.
  • I can't help but bow before you
    Sajde Sar Jhukta Hai Saya hanya sanggup berlutut dihadapanmu
  • Can't help but keep calling my name, huh?
    Tak suka tapi terus saja memanggil namaku, huh?
  • Belle... I tried to help but... he got mad.
    Belle... aku mencoba untuk membantu...tapi dia marah.
  • I couldn't help but to take the Gigi armlet.
    Aku tidak bisa membantu mengambil gelang Gigi.
  • Sex is not gonna help. But you know what will?
    Tapi kau tahu apa yg bekerja?
  • No, I'm-l'm sorry. l-l couldn't help but overhear.
    Tidak, saya...saya minta maaf Saya..saya tidak sengaja menguping
  • I can't help but wonder who's responsible.
    Aku tidak bisa tidak bertanya-tanya siapa yang bertanggung jawab.
  • Well, I can't help but pull focus, sorry.
    Baik, Aku tidak bisa membantu tapi fokuslah, maaf.
  • He wants my help but don't know what.
    Dia ingin bantuan saya tetapi tidak tahu apa.
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